From MIT
to Silicon Valley
to You

After completing her bachelors at MIT, our founder, Adwoa Boakye, spent 10 years working for startups and corporations in Silicon Valley and exploring the world of entrepreneurship as a solopreneur. She saw how impactful it was to have a business mentor and how difficult it could be to execute when her full-time job demanded more of her time. So when the stars aligned, she took the leap and focused on how she might help more entrepreneurs to get their wings.

We believe entrepreneurship is a way to lay new foundations — better lifestyles and livelihoods. Everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their passions, it just takes a bit of guidance and support.

Thank you for considering Granule as your partner in entrepreneurship.

  • Getting her Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Adwoa’s career began as a software engineer in the Bay Area. She developed mobile apps as the first engineering hire at a startup and managed remote teams of engineers while under employment and while bootstrapping her own endeavors.

  • Performing qualitative and quantitative Research at Microsoft over a period of 3 years, Adwoa was the lead User Researcher on Microsoft Designer, Microsoft’s generative-AI tool; a Canva competitor.

  • Developing roadmaps and assisting C-level leaders, Adwoa cut her teeth in strategy and coaching in multiple roles: as an Executive Coordinator at Irembo, Customer Success sales person at Reduct, and Founder and CEO of ReRoom.

Why are we called Granule?

Granules are the talents we’ve each been given.

The Parable of the Talents:

A wealthy person gave their workers money, or talents, to trade while they were away. One worker was given five, the second two, and the third one. The worker with five and the worker with two invested their talents, doubling the money they were given. The third hid the talent they were trusted with and was scolded when their boss returned and found they hadn’t grown.

We want to help people take their talents/seeds/granules and grow so more can prosper.

Let’s make your talents come to life!

Get started with Granule, today.